Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Where The Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak - 1221 Words

â€Å"Where the Wild Things Are† is an illustrated story by Maurice Sendak intended for children. This story clearly narrate the targeted audience – the children – the story of Max, a disobedient boy who ran away from home after being scolded vehemently by his mother. Due to Max’s reckless behavior, his mother furiously â€Å"sent him to bed without eating anything† (Sendak 8). After living together with the scary monsters in a place called Where the Wild Things Are, Max decided to return home since he could not find an ultimate happiness. The moment he wanted to return to his home, he smelled his mother’s delicious cooking. The irresistible smell of his mother’s cooking has somehow amplified his desire to come home, leaving his monstrous friends behind. When he reached home, his mother has prepared a lovely supper for him. After I finished reading the whole story of â€Å"Where the Wild Things Are†, I reflected myself and reali zed how related this story is with my recent life as a Muslim. I managed to recognize tons of relationship in terms of similarities and differences between me, as a Muslim, and Max, the main character in â€Å"Where the Wild Things Are† – prohibition from eating and drinking, leaving bad habits and practicing good deeds, and the presence of the wild things. The ninth month of Islamic calendar – the holy month of Ramadhan – has just ended. During Ramadhan, all Muslims around the world were obligated to fast. For the total of 30 days, Muslims were prohibited from eatingShow MoreRelatedWhere The Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak2262 Words   |  10 Pages1. Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak is an exuberant picture book which will make it a fun and exciting read. The compressed language will guide children easily throughout the book. Sendak promotes a touching message of unconditional love, a message that even if one misbehaves, there will be supper waiting on the table (Max does get sent to his room, but no matter how much he has misbehaved, his mother will always love him and cherish him). Sendak also dives into deeper psychological emotionsRead MoreWhere The Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak1248 Words   |  5 PagesI am analyzing the illustrations of the children’s book ‘Where The Wild Things Areà ¢â‚¬â„¢, Written and Illustrated by Maurice Sendak, first published in 1963 in the USA by Harper and Rowe. Sendak uses layout in an interesting way throughout the book, which feels cinematic in approach. The first six illustrations gradually increase in size, until the illustration fills a single page. It creates a feeling of the viewer zooming in on the scene. It also carries the idea in the text of a forest, that ‘grewRead MoreWhere The Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak1014 Words   |  5 PagesMaurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are was published in 1963 and since then, remains a cornerstone of children’s literature. It has remained one of the most popular children’s books and has been described as a â€Å"watershed, ushering in the modern age of pictures books†. With all these accolades, it becomes very easy to view the book through different psychoanalytical and sociological lens and try to force a subliminal message on the story, even if it is less than 350 words. There have been interpretationsRead MoreWhere The Wild Things Are Written And Illu strated By Maurice Sendak1236 Words   |  5 PagesWhere the Wild Things Are written and illustrated by Maurice Sendak, is one of my all-time favorite children’s book because as a little girl, I remember before going to bed and picking out this book for my father to read to me. My father had a wonderful speaking voice that allowed for these characters to come alive in my mind. I could imagine being the protagonist character Max, and sailing off to place full monsters and mystery. There is a part in the middle of the story called â€Å"The Wild Rumpus†Read More Poor Parenting Techniques Displayed in Maurice Sendaks Where The Wild Things Are3338 Words   |  14 Pages Poor Parenting can cause poorly behaved children Where The Wild Things Are was first published in 1963 and is the first part of a trilogy of award - winning books by American author and illustrator Maurice Sendak. Where The Wild Things Are is haunting and imaginative and describes how a young child, called Max, creates a fictitious fantasy world in order to deal with the terrifying reality of anger. Poor parenting is a lack of parenting techniques and skills in relation to the responsibilitiesRead More Maurice Sendak: Through Controversy To Success Essay1301 Words   |  6 PagesMaurice Sendak: Through Controversy To Success â€Å"These are difficult times for children. Children have to be brave to survive what the world does to them. And this world is scrungier and rougher and dangerouser than it ever was before†Ã¢â‚¬â€Maurice Sendak Throughout the past fifty years, Maurice Sendak has been a challenging and inventive voice for children’s literature. His work will continue to be entertaining and educational for young children and adults alike for many years to come. SendakRead MoreEssay on Subtle Differences in Where The Wild Things Are1355 Words   |  6 PagesMake Where The Wild Things Are a Classic When one thinks of a childrens picture book, one usually thinks of bright colors and a story that involves a princess and a prince charming. One of the most classic childrens books, Maurice Sendaks Where The Wild Things Are, however, neither uses bright colors nor a traditional love story. Instead the readers meet a young boy, Max, who, when sent to his room without dinner, imagines a far off land. We meet his friends, the wild things, andRead MoreExploring William Moebius Article Introduction to Picture Book Codes and How it Relates to Maurice Sendaks Where the Wild Things Are1199 Words   |  5 Pagesand the right and round, the code of line and capillarity, and the code of colour. Each code speaks of a different aspect of the image and how it relates to psychology behind the implied meaning. These methods come together in Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. Each page is filled with evidence supporting William Moebius theories and suggestions. In the code of position, size and diminishing returns, William Moebius talks about how the position of the character on the page relatesRead MoreThe Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak904 Words   |  4 PagesOver the course of Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, Max, the protagonist, displays in many ways that he is influenced by his mother. The story begins with Max misbehaving in a wolf suit and getting punished by her for it. After being sent to his room, his mind conjured a place where he could experience what it’s like to be in control. Max himself is a wild thing, and when he arrives at the island with the other wild things, he wants to understand why he was punished so he tames them.Read MoreAnalysis of a Picture Book--Where the Wild Things Are Essay1307 Words   |  6 PagesANALYSIS OF A PICTURE BOOK WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE Written and Illustrated by Maurice Sendak Picture books can have a very important role in a classroom, from elementary school through middle and even high school. They offer a valuable literary experience by combining the visual and the text. Maurice Sendak’s Caldecott Award winning book, Where the Wild Things Are, is a wonderful blend of detailed illustrations and text in which a young boy, Max, lets his angry emotions create a fantasy

Monday, December 23, 2019

“One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” an Allegory of Communism

â€Å"One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest†: an allegory of Communism Have you ever heard anything about the lives of people who live in a Communist country? I am personally one of those whose family struggled 18 years without individual rights and freedom under the Communist rule. I am familiar with the lives of those people. These experiences are not found in any Communist books. Before 1975, Vietnam was a republic. On April 30th, 1975, Communists took over the country. They claimed that our country was independent and that we would have liberty from then on. The truth is our individual rights and freedoms have been lost since that day. We lived under the Communist dictatorship and were forced to obey the orders of their leaders. We†¦show more content†¦And in the same way that Chief Bromden sees the outside world only through the fence, the Vietnamese see the world only through ten minutes of World News on television. Of course, these newsbriefs are just that and are well selected by the Communist party. The Communists rule the c ountry with their dictatorship. They can put anyone in prison if they believe that person is against the government. They do not need evidence for their beliefs. For example, one night the police came in my house and arrested my father because somebody heard that my father spoke unpleasantly about the Communist government. They put him in prison for two days to question him. Under their rule, we did not have individual rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of press, etc. People must either speak in favor of the government or else go to prison. We could not question the authorities, only do as we were told. Even now, Vietnamese writers either praise the Communist system or go to prison for writing against the government. Some writers, such as Nguyen Chi Thien and Vu Hoang Chuong, have been sentenced to 27 years in prison for that reason. The Communist government put these writers in prison to stop them from instigating a rebellion. About eight months ago, one of the ne wspaper publishers in Vietnam did a survey to find out who would be chosen the peoples favorite person from a list that included famous names from around the world. Out

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Examination of A Performance I Was In Free Essays

This term we have been working on a devised performance dealing with the theme of consequences and looking at lots the themes and issues. We have chosen the title to be ‘Consequences’. We came up with this title after the whole group had decided on what the theme would be, then once we new what the theme would be, we thought of ideas of what the title could be, and we chose ‘Consequences’. We will write a custom essay sample on Examination of A Performance I Was In or any similar topic only for you Order Now Overall the play ‘Consequences’ took 4-5 weeks to put together and perform. I thought it was a worthwhile experience because this is the first time I had worked in this group as a whole class. The performance we done, took place in the main school hall because we needed the space for our traverse stage to be held in. We had the stage setting, with the audience split in half, and the performance space was in the middle so that we could be seen at all angles. To begin the topic our teacher put us into groups and then we had to think of ideas of what our play could be about. We all wrote down ideas, then read them out, and then we decided as a group to choose the best idea. The age group we wanted to aim it at is our own year 10. We chose this age group because they can relate to the issues that are being performed. They would understand about our play because they are the age we are aiming at, and could relate to what the play was. After we decided on the theme of the play we then improvised of how to get ideas and put them together, then we discussed how to script it and the structure of the play. In one drama lesson we started working on the first family scene where we were at the table scene were me and my group had to work on the family which was based on poverty. We rehearsed this so many times because we had to make this a sad family as they don’t have that much money, but is was a good scene because we could make it funny as well. I played the character of a gay man, with my partner we adopted kids and we had hardly any money. My partner and I were always arguing, while the kids were around. But with my character I felt that I had to play him as a serious but emotional man, with a hard life, so to do this I had to change his tone of voice, and my body language and gesture. One moment in the scene we did was when we were sitting at the dinner table and my partner was setting there with me, and the whole family was in a bad mood, so then me and my partner started to fight, so then the kids started to fight as well, and I had to stop them. Then we all stopped and sat and ate our breakfast. While we were eating I started to tell a story about how I saw two girls stealing from the chemist. I was telling them that I hoped for them to never to do the same. But later in the play they do. We did this because we wanted to set up the next scene for us to show that are kids are so poor they are pulled into stealing. I personally feel that this scene was quite successful because we all stayed concentrated in the important time in the scene. I thought we improved the scene by keeping loud so all the audience could hear us. This made the scene more effective because it keeps up the atmosphere, and the tension of all the acting parts. One scene that was non-naturalistic was the opening scene to the play. In the opening scene we used the drama technique slow motion to a piece of music. We also used frozen images to the piece of music. The music we used was a soundtrack by ‘DMX’ called ‘Slipping’ the song represented everyone’s downfall in the play. It complemented the action that was taking place. The stylised movement we also used was sound collage, we used the sound collage to build a atmosphere for the opening scene, by doing this we showed the audience what the play was about by revealing all the issues and gave an insight into the situation the character was in. We also used a technique called duologue so that the angel and the devil characters commented on the action. W began devising this scene by us all trying to think of strong images that could show how our family’s lifestyle and the difficulties they had. The moment that was the hardest to rehearse was when we were doing the links in between each family. I thought that the audience who were watching would react to this scene by thinking that they are going to see all different consequences that happen to people when they do things. I feel that this scene did work to its full potential because when the music played, it built an atmosphere on which the audience can see, and as all the frozen images from all the families, I thought were very powerful. I feel that it worked and conveyed the desired message of community what the play was about. Overall I feel the best moment in the play was the end, because after the audience had seen all the consequences that each family had done. The ending of our play was were each main character said a few lines about what happened after all of what had been done. Some said about they wish they had never done so many things, or looked after their children better, or wished they had never put a pill in the girls drink, they were all guilty of their consequences. Each individual was to blame for his or her own downfall. As we performed this scene to the audience the characters that were being played made mistakes, but as they said their lines they knew they had done something wrong and they cant change that now, and live with it. I feel that the message we were trying to convey to the audience was ‘to think about the consequences of your action’. One moment that stood out the most and I feel conveyed the message was the end, when the audience saw the characters were saying all the things that they could of done but didn’t. I feel that the message was getting across to the audience wasn’t as successful because all of the audience could have been confused. I feel that it could of have been more successful if we chose an outside audience, not friends. On the scenes that we could have been improved was the scene on were we linked up to our other groups together. I felt that it would have been better if we also had more time on to set the play, and if the cast was there every day, so then we could rehearse and get every thing perfect. I feel that the work that I have been doing in my lessons this term has been quite successful because it has brought the group closer to work with each other, and it is good experience for the future. I feel that the whole experience of devising the play has been very enjoyable. I feel that it was enjoyable because this is what I like in drama GCSE. I feel as a performer I gained experience in a way that it makes me feel easier now to act in front of my friends, and now I am fully concentrated and confident in performing in front of an audience. I have learnt that for my performance next year I will be able to cope with the tension and hard work. Overall it has been a productive piece of work on what we done this term, which has been enjoyable. How to cite Examination of A Performance I Was In, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Bell Jar Summary Essay Example For Students

Bell Jar Summary Essay Many have paralleled Sylvia Plath’s novel, The Bell Jar, to her very own life. Plath is known for her tormented life of constant depression and disappointments, causing her to end her life early at the young age of 30. The time frame in which the book is in matches the times when she is enlisted in many mental institutes and ultimately her suicide. The story of Esther Greenwood also tells the feelings and emotions of Sylvia Plath. Other characters in the novel are said to be in relation to characters in the author’s life. The novel begins where Esther is just about halfway through her job as Mademoiselle, a fashion magazine. She and many other girls received this opportunity because of their exceptional writing abilities. Even though this she had waited for this chance for a year, she is actually disappointed because she had expected more from the other prizewinners. â€Å"These girls looked awfully bored to me. I saw them on the roof yawning and painting their nails and trying to keep their Bermuda tans, and they seemed bored as hell Girls like that make me sick.† (Pg. 4) A couple other unfortunate events also led her to be depressed at her stay in the hotel. At a dinner gathering, Esther ate a lot of crabmeat that happened to be poisoned. She passes out and awakes in her room. Her recovery is slow and agonizing. Another social event causes yet again another mishap. Doreen, Esther best friend there, sets Esther up with a friend of Doreen’s boyfriend to go to a party. There, the blind da te attempts to sexually assault, but Esther resists and walks away with her dignity. After returning to the hotel, Esther takes no care of the assault and just carries on. Later, she finds out that her on and off boyfriend, Buddy Willard, is actually not a virgin. â€Å"At first I thought he must have slept with the waitress only that once, but when I asked how many times, just to make sure, he said he couldn’t remember but a couple of times a week for the rest for the summer.† (Pg. 70-71) Knowing this, she thought it to be okay if she were to have an affair also. On a date with Constantin, he invites her to his room, but to her dismay, nothing happens. Once the stay at the hotel is over, Esther returns home to Boston, home to more disappointments. â€Å"The air punched out of my stomach. All through June the writing course stretched before me like a bright, safe bridge over the dull gulf of the summer. Now I saw it totter and dissolve† (Pg. 114) During this tim e, Buddy Willard is in a hospital treating patients with TB. Esther discovers that Buddy is falling in love with a nurse there, and continues with her own life in Boston. Insomnia begins to grow upon Esther, and her mother refers her to a psychiatrist. The doctor concludes that Esther suffers a severe state of depression, and is tells her that electroshock therapy is needed. Later in the story, it reveals that the first few treatments she received actually causes her restlessness. Because of these bad therapy sessions, Esther goes through many attempts at suicide, none successful. A major cause of her depression is revealed. â€Å"I thought that if my father hadn’t died, he would have taught me all about insects, which was his specialty at the university.† (Pg. 165) She then finds her father’s grave and â€Å"couldn’t understand why I was crying so hard.† (Pg. 167) After more suicide attempts, she is taken to a mental institution. Even there, she s till thinks of suicide and did not enjoy, maybe hated, visits from her mother. In one scene in the story, the mother visits. â€Å"That afternoon my mother had brought me the roses. ‘Save them for my funeral,’ I’d said ‘But Esther, don’t you remember what day it is today?’ ‘No’ ‘It’s your birthday.’ And that was when I had dumped the roses in the wastebasket.† (Pg. 202-203) This was at her third institute she was transferred to. At this same institute, she met an old friend, Joan who she grew to dislike. But also here, she meets Dr. Nolan, the only person she seems to open up to. She actually allows the doctor to perform electroshock therapy even with the previously failed treatments. The sessions proved to help greatly and in a few weeks, she seemed ready to return home. Esther goes in for her interview to be released, but â€Å"how did I know that someday – at college, in Europe, somewhere, any where – the bell jar, with its stifling distortions, wouldn’t descend again?† (Pg. 241) And so, the story ends. The novel brings back to life the 1950’s. Being that the novel reflects Plath’s own life in the 1950’s, many similarities occur. Women grew more superficial in the 50’s, concerning themselves with the opposite sex. This is shown by the other girls at the hotel â€Å"painting their nails and trying to keep their Bermuda tans.† Also in the Fifties, sex became more and more casual. Esther had expected Buddy to remain pure until marriage, but she finds that he is not a virgin and was sexually active during that summer. But this novel does not concern too much of America’s history, but more of Plath’s own past. The Bell Jar depicted Sylvia Plath’s life and ulitmate destruction. .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf , .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf .postImageUrl , .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf , .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf:hover , .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf:visited , .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf:active { border:0!important; } .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf:active , .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7864b250e72cc08694068cfc1a249fdf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Symbolism In Non-European Art Essay English Essays

Friday, November 29, 2019

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory free essay sample

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory identifies 5 environmental systems that act with bi-directional influences amongst context and individuals to describe human development. From most intimate to least intimate, the components of this theory include: microsystems, mesosystems, exosystems, macrosystems, and chronosystems (Berk, 2010). This paper will describe how each of these systems shapes an individual’s life progression by analyzing their effects at the ages of twenty-five and forty-five on an interviewee, Kitty. These ages were chosen specifically because of the significant gap in their maturity levels. The majority of people experience different settings and relationships as young adults than they do later in their life and therefore the contexts the individual faces will be appropriately different at each of the two time periods. The most immediate connections and activities that are made on a day-to-day basis fall under the category of a microsystem (Berk, 2010). The birth of Kitty’s first daughter falls under this level of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. We will write a custom essay sample on Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At the age of twenty-five, Kitty’s daughter became the center of her attention and therefore one of the most important microsystems in her life at this time. She gave her child support, comfort, and everything necessary for survival, while the child motivated her mother to mature and take on more responsibility. This is an example of how there is always a bi-directional influence of the context on the individual. This system can also be found later in the development of Kitty’s life in her relationship with close friends. Now, at the age of forty-five her children no longer live at home, and Kitty’s microsystem focus has shifted to the relationships she has forged with close friends. On Friday Nights, Kitty and her husband go out to dinner with another couple, the Jensen’s thus providing each other with friendship and advice. The next stage in the Ecological Systems Theory, known as the mesosystem, is comprised of the interactions between multiple microsystems (Berk, 2010). Kitty worked as a secretary at the age of twenty-five. The relationships she has created at work are considered mesosystems to how she interacts with her child and husband at home. When there would be an altercation at work she would come home after having a bad day and reflect this behavior in how warm and inviting she was towards her daughter and husband. This system can work vice versa also. If her daughter is up sick all night, it will show in how irritable she is towards her co-workers the next day. These two microsystems, though nonrelated both have a bi-directional effect on Kitty and on each other. Even though Kitty’s microsystems have changed throughout time, this exchange can still be found in her forties, specifically forty-five. While it is no longer her baby that would influence or be influenced by Kitty and her outside relationships this trend is still relevant. Take for example her newest microsystem, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen. If Kitty has an altercation with her boss on a Friday while at work she is no longer in the mood to go out to dinner with them that night as she normally would. The microsystem she has with her boss effects the microsystem she has with her close friends. The third level of Bronfenbrenner’s model is the exosystem in which outside settings influence the individual. While these circumstances do not directly involve Kitty, they still have some kind of impact on her immediate surroundings (Berk, 2010). An example of how she is affected by societal forces is when the Challenger Shuttle exploded in 1986. While Kitty had no direct link to the Challenger mission, its impact brought her community as a whole closer together and in exchange created more microsystems for her. This same environment can be found !3 when Kitty is forty-five. Around this time the war in Iraq had begun and because of it her community had grown closer together to support those who had gone overseas to fight. The final stage of the Ecological Systems model is the macrosystem or the cultural contexts the individual is immersed in (Berk, 2010). The support or lack thereof by the community falls into this category. At twenty-five, Kitty lived in a poorer neighborhood where there was very little support from the institutions and community organizations that are usually present in the more affluent neighborhoods. These can include good day cares, quick emergency assistance, and community leaders that have its member’s interests at heart. By the time Kitty reached age forty-five her socioeconomic status had increased to an upper-middle class level where she is living in a nice neighborhood with all of the above mentioned community institutions. This can be traced back to when her first daughter was born and the microsystem it created. Having a child pushed Kitty to grow and work harder to make a better life for herself thus being an integral part in her development to where she is at this stage of her life. The chronosystem in Bronfenbrenner’s model represents time. Internal and external forces work side by side to influence human development. People can change their development through their choices or the environment can change it for them (Berk, 2010). Adapting at age twenty-five and becoming a more mature individual after having a child is an example of how Kitty fits into the chronosystem. By the time she has reached forty-five, this adaptation has caused a much different life course than the one she had previously been on. Through this paper I learned that the five-systems in the ecological model created by Bronfenbrenner, work interchangeably to influence the development of a person’s life. Each area of the model has an equally important affect on maturation and helps to shape individuals into !4 what they are today. This showed me that while we influence our environment so too does our environment influence us and this interplay between the two is the foundation of the Ecological Systems Theory.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Obesity Example

Obesity Example Obesity – Term Paper Example HPE14 Section Obesity Dr. Stephen Nathanson Obesity is such an epidemic which has engulfed the entire world for many decades. Obesity increases the chances of many medical problems such as cardiovascular diseases, osteoarthritis and even some types of cancer (Butcher, 2006). It has also been discovered that obesity is one of the major causes of death with an estimation of above 100,000 people dying every year due to this disease. These are not the only problems obesity can cause many other problem such as complication in pregnancy and delivery. However, health issues are not the only problems associated with obesity there are also certain economic side effects of it (Sandman, 2007). Different nutritionists and dieticians suggest a number of solutions and cures for this disease. However, there are a few major categories where the first one is in the form of dieting in which the aim is to cut down on consumption of fattening food. Another popular technique is working out, which inclu des aerobics, yoga, gym, wait training and many others (Wright, 2004). Some people use the combination of these both with a proper weight loss plan, which is another technique. Also taking prescribed medication is essential to control obesity as medicines control appetite (Caprio, 2006). Also the surgical options have started to work more and more with the passage of time. Obesity is a disease that has no boundaries and is common amongst all age groups, gender and ethnic backgrounds. It is an epidemic that has spread all around the globe. Statistics show that 31% of Americans are considered obese with a BMI crossing 30 (Grossman, 2004).Butcher, Kristin F. Childhood Obesity: Trends and Potential Causes. The Future of Children, 16, 2006Caprio, Sonia. Treating Child Obesity and Associated Medical Conditions. The Future of Children, 16, 2006Grossman, Michael. The Economics of Obesity. Public Interest, 2004Sandman, Nirit. Fighting Childhood Obesity through Performance-Based Regulation of the Food Industry. Duke Law Journal, 56, 2007Wright, Jan. The Obesity Epidemic: Science, Morality and Ideology. Routledge, 2004

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Post-processual archaeology (burial) Term Paper

Post-processual archaeology (burial) - Term Paper Example To find objective information or to conduct research from an objective perspective when it comes to skeleton, it would only be achieved if there were absolutely no information of the skeletons or cadavers excavated. In addition, objectivity is not achieved following the presence or absence of a number of aspects that directly relate to demographics as archeologists first seek information prior to taking action in excavation. This way, they acquire historical facts and demographic information as can be seen in the case of the Nile Valley, where excavation is based on historical information (Larsen 120). This way, the race and typing of demographics, as well as classification of skeletons found denies archeology a chance to be objective. This is due to the bias of already having particulate information on skeletons making sure that the morphological differences are identified and used prior to making new findings, which is hardly ever the case. This is especially in making new findings considering that there is already existent information regarding these skeletons based on their morphology and composition, which include factors of race and other classifications. Objectivity is further influenced by the methods used in examination of skeletons, where the margin of error means a lot in collection of information, which is similar to the earlier mentioned case. As such, there are definite methods used in collection of data such as examination of bones, where based on initial findings, personal bias in a scientist can lead to the entire turning subjective. Evidence of this can be seen in the collection of data regarding osteoarthritis, which has been found in almost every place in the world, where the prevalence is deemed to be influenced by local circumstances. Historical data referring to the prevalence of osteoarthritis points to men being more affected than women, which is a potentially subjective perspective due to lack of information from all areas, despite the mention of it being â€Å"nearly universal† (Wright and Yoder 46). Another factor to put into consideration is the influence of culture and scientific research, as well as science on culture, where the two seem to create a challenge for bio archeology. This is then related to the concept of objectivity looking into how those relate to one another, especially considering that culture and history are central to research interests of bio archeologists. With this in mind, cultural perspectives serve as a central motivator towards the scientific methods and processes used in the formulation of hypotheses relating to archeological finds. As such, research being a scientific process, relies heavily on cultural; and social experiences in the formulation of hypotheses and researchers also look into their own knowledge prior to having archeological research done. This is enough ground to show that culture bears a bearing in scientific findings pertaining bio archeology, especially wit h the use of history and economic activities as has been seen with inclusion of agriculture in research to identify the circumstances surrounding archeological finds (Fleming 188). With this in min

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Global Communication Systems Referring to Walmart Assignment

Global Communication Systems Referring to Walmart - Assignment Example Croasdell et al., states that Walmart’s core goal is the provision of consumer goods at the lower process than their competitors, which it has managed to accomplish largely due to embracing technology. Technology has enabled Walmart to be a leading innovator in the retail industry. Global communication systems can be used to improve services offered by many departments of the company, ranging from customer service, distribution, management and sales (Croasdell et al., 2003). At Walmart, executives have adopted a communication system to enable them to supervise auxiliary staff in thousands of stores. Oral communication had been the norm at Walmart for many years, but with the globalization of the company and an increase in the number of stores, the need for adopting global communication systems was a necessity. It, therefore, led to the development of the six-channel satellite system, which is an integrated satellite communication network for easier communication between executives and lower level managers and employees. The features of the system include a video transmission network that is one way and a two-way data and voice system that allows the head office to relay information to Walmart stores all over the world. This global communication system is used for a variety of functions such as allowing management to oversee stores on a global front and even boosting staff morale to increase their sales. The main objective of this set up is to allow communication between the stores via an integrated satellite link that is voice and video enabled. The system allows for communication among Walmart stores and between the stores with the head office. According to Hollenbeck et al., the system has been instrumental in accessing customer reviews on their products and thus, enabling the head office to develop products that are up to the standards desired by customers all over the world. Additionally, the system has improved communication between top-tier management and staff in distant Walmart stores and essentially saving time and money. As a result, Walmart has been able to improve its efficiency levels through managing human capital appropriately.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Supply Chain and Logistics in Fedex Research Paper

Supply Chain and Logistics in Fedex - Research Paper Example Shipping business, however, is a field of shift competition. The various means of shipment and the complexities involved in the process are highly challenging. It is further intricate, as the pricing strategy involves companies that guide price in one form of shipment such as ground and pursue in another form of shipment for instance international delivery. This study comprises different sections such as introduction, distribution system in FedEx, their strategies, process of time, cost, flexibility and quality assurance. The present process structure in terms of inventory, information, transportation, and Location, current structure, problems and weaknesses in the current process and how the method should be restructured to enlarge these capabilities etc have also been evaluated in the papers. Lastly it analyzes the implementation of the changes with company. Introduction: Supply Chain Management (SCM) entails a combination of processes, right from the arrival of raw materials at th e manufacture unit and ends when the finished commodities reach the hands of the users. FedEx is a supply chain management company that offers fastest courier services all over the world on a daily basis. â€Å"FedEx Corporation (FedEx), incorporated on October 2, 1997, is a holding company. The Company provides a portfolio of transportation, e-commerce and business services under the FedEx brand. The Company operates in four segments: FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight and FedEx Services† (FedEx Corp (FDX.N), n.d., para. 1). Logistic Management (LM) is the one of the main functions within SCM, which assists to arrange, carry out and coordinate forward and reverse run, storage space for goods, service and associated data from the start to the end point. The necessity for... The intention of this study is Supply Chain Management (SCM). It entails a combination of processes, right from the arrival of raw materials at the manufacture unit and ends when the finished commodities reach the hands of the users. FedEx is a supply chain management company that offers fastest courier services all over the world on a daily basis. â€Å"FedEx Corporation (FedEx), incorporated on October 2, 1997, is a holding company. The Company provides a portfolio of transportation, e-commerce and business services under the FedEx brand. The Company operates in four segments: FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight and FedEx Services†. Logistic Management (LM) is the one of the main functions within SCM, which assists to arrange, carry out and coordinate forward and reverse run, storage space for goods, service and associated data from the start to the end point. The necessity for qualified SCM practitioners is increasing in all areas of trade and commerce, consisting of producing commodities and service segments. SCM includes everything from the primary stage to the end stage. Various elements involved in a supply chain processes are: customers, planning, purchasing, transportation, inventory and manufacture departments etc within an organization. Supply chain should be planned, appropriately equipped and operated to be efficient. A perfect supply chain requires the exercise of systematic and scientific utilization of resources. Supply chain management is the dynamic supervision of the supply chain actions with a view to extract full advantage of resources, achieving of the consumer standards and accomplishing competitive benefits.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Review of a qualitative research article

Review of a qualitative research article This essay is a review of a research article of how Local Authority Social workers make decisions when they are considering referrals of children. The title of the study is Threshold Decisions: How Social Workers Prioritize Referrals of Child Concern by Dendy Platt (2008). I would attempt to critically appraise this Qualitative journal article based on essential elements of the research which include the Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Findings and Conclusion. The study examined how social workers make choices on individual cases of children concern referrals, if to carry out a an initial Assessment i.e. Sect 17 of the Children Act 1989 or if to undertake the Child Protection Procedure under the Sect. 47 of the Children Act 1989. The major finding suggests that Social workers prioritize their referrals based on five key areas, Specificity, Severity, risk, parental responsibility and corroboration. It was refreshing to know that data were collected from Social workers and that Parents were also involved. Title It is worth noting that the title adequately prepares the reader as it gives good insight into what the study is about. The title of an article is very important as it exposes the reader to an article. The key words were appropriate and sufficient as they did retrieve the article upon typing the key words in the search engine. (According to Descombe 2008 p.88), a topic needs to be a very much more narrowly defined area of its study. Abstract The major finding in this article suggests that social workers evaluate referrals based on five key factors, specificity, severity, risk, parental responsibility and corroboration. It is worth noting the abstract did prepare a reader for this study. The abstract clearly highlights that the aim of the study is to find out how social workers reach decision when to carry out an initial assessment (Sect 17 of children act 1989) or a core assessment, (Sect 47 of children Act 1989) when considering referrals about child concerns. The abstract clearly stated that the study chose a qualitative approach. According to (Punch 2000 p. 243), qualitative approach is often sensitive to context and process to lived experience and local groundedness, where the researcher tries to get closer to what is being studied. Using qualitative method allows the researcher to find out a lot about the study. He went further to explain thatqualitative research methods are the best way we have of getting the insiders perspective (Ibid) Qualitative method allows the researcher to generate new theoretical ideas. This happens because they are able to observe and speak to the people (person) being studied and allows them to come up with new ideas through out the study. Being bias is one of the limitations of qualitative research method because researchers can write their own view or even opinion on the matter. But as we can see that reaching difficult area is a great advantage to qualitative research method.) Introduction Looking at the introduction, it seems clear that the problem that led to the research was that the interpretation of the developments of the refocusing initiative has contributed to a climate where social workers work often feel pulled and pushed in different directions by political and popular opinion. The introduction touched on relevant government policies and initiatives such as refocusing initiative which was initiated by the government in 1990 and the framework for Assessment of children in need. In my view, the author attempted to appraise the refocusing initiative policy which attempts to refocus social work practice and to initiate any necessary changes. I partly agree with this notion as the study may bring about positive changes in the child protection climate. But also the author needs to acknowledge where he points on that the climate of child protection is one of uncertainty, that social work itself is a profession full of uncertainty. The researcher explained that the implication of the refocusing initiative is the rise in the threshold for acceptance of a child protection referral as it was thought that the cost to family of child protection procedures were not acceptable in the cases where allegations are minor. In my view, the identification of gap of knowledge shows that the problem has significance for social work practice and the research may positively inform practice. Interestingly, the researcher acknowledges and analyses previous work on the child protection field ( what is known) but also points out the knowledge gap as it demonstrates how application of these factors differs between cases of child concern and cases of child protection (What is desired to be known). I would argue that these reasons amount to sufficiently justification of this study. Literature Review Knowledge gap was identified but author did not explain how his work would attempt to close the gap. Author made an effort to critically review the work of others and points out inconsistencies. The purpose of the research is to examine ways social workers in England made decisions at the initial referral stage. It is my believe that since the author decided to collect information form social workers and families suggest that research is from a grounded theory approach. According to Punch (2000 p.163) Grounded theory is best defined as a research strategy whose purpose is to generate theory from data, To be grounded means basically the theory is generated from data. (ibid) My rational for asserting that a grounded theory approach was implemented is that the author made sense of the data through concepts primarily informed by social workers and the discovery of these concepts begins from the interviews with the social workers. (Somekh and Lewin 2006p.49) point out that grounded theory is best described as an integrated theoretical formulation that gives understanding about how organization experience and respond to events that occur. From this definition, it could be argued that grounded theory was the most effective way to approach this study. Researchers do bring perspective to the research, although these perspectives tend to guide the question and influence interpretation, but they dont drive the research. (ibid p.51). However one of the drawbacks from this approach is that research may be influenced by the researchers personal experiences and previous studies which thus disable the research in approaching the study with an open mind. Finding In my view, the researcher study has a strong internal validity, the researcher made a good effort to eliminate the alternative explanations in his findings. The result however cannot be applied beyond the sample. It would be clearly naà ¯ve to believe that the findings reflect how social workers in the UK decision making. Method The Researcher implemented ethical principles. The social workers involved have to be made aware of what they were getting into before deciding to collaborate. I would argue that appropriate procedures were implemented; also the participant understood what the purpose of the research. The researcher effectively anonymised participants identities, which protected participants privacy. The likely outcome the research aim to achieve include possible changes in policy, examine practice issues for social workers carrying out initial assessment, where in the past, it would have been a child abuse investigation ( Sect 47 of the children Act 1989) One of the strengths of case study is that multiple methods and data sources can be used to explore and interrogate case study thereby leading to a good description of a research from the perspective of the participant (Someth and Lewin 2006 p.33). I do admire the fact that the research implemented the case study approach as this gives the reader a very rich description of the study and also gives a reader a good understanding on the issue. Reliability of the finding was promoted by the data collection from two local authorities who have a very different procedures and practice, also All interviews were tape- recorded. According to (Silverman 2006p. 285), working with the audio and video recordings eliminates at one stroke many of the problems that researchers have with the unspecified accuracy of field notes and limited public access to them However the generalization of the research may not be possible. The weakness of case study is that it is not possible to generalize statistically from a small number of cases to a population as a whole (Someth and Lewin 2006 p.34) References Punch, K.F. (2000) Introduction to Social Research Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches. London: Sage Publication. Somekh, B. and Lewin, C. (2006) Research Methods in the Social Sciences. Sage Publication: London. Silverman, D. (2006) 2nd Edition. Qualitative Research. Theory, Method and Practice. Sage Publication: London. Denscombe, M. (2008) Ground Rules for Good Research, a 10 guide for social researchers. Open University: Buckingham.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Line in the Sand - Original Writing :: Papers

A Line in the Sand - Original Writing A line. A simple, one-dimensional mark. It may be the edge of a square, the shortest distance between two points, or markings on the road. Lines, gentlemen, are boring yet useful tools in life. Right? Wrong! There is one line I would like to tell you about. If you were seen stepping over this line, it would result in your death on the spot, no questions asked. This is a line drawn in the sand. This line has caused the largest population movement ever witnessed by humankind. Upon construction of this line, 3.5 million people had to move from one side and 5 million from the other. There are estimates that more that 20 million people were left homeless after the construction of this line. Who said lines were boring, not me! However, it runs deeper than that. Not only did people have to move, more than one million people were butchered on the construction of this line. The positioning of this line has been the cause of three wars: three bloody brutal wars. Now can I ask you, who in the right mind would make such a line as this? They would have to be mighty inhuman to draw a line that would kill a million people. But in the end, all they had done, was to draw a line in the sand, just a line in sand†¦nothing more, nothing less So where do you think this line is? Between Israel and Palestine†¦no Between North and South Korea†¦no. Between the former north and South Vietnam,†¦wrong again. The line, gentlemen was drawn in the state of Punjab, in 1947, in what was then undivided British India. The line created and separated Pakistan from India. Ancient India, which gave us modern numbering system, which gave us steel, which gave us surgery, was destroyed by a line in the sand. Culture and civilisations spanning thousands of years were split apart by a line in the sand. A country was shattered†¦.shattered by a line in the sand. Fifty-five years on and the trade of insults from leader to leader

Monday, November 11, 2019

Changes wrought by the Internet Essay

The Internet changes all that. For years now, even low-level employees have been able to reach their leaders simply by writing an e-mail, but increasingly, employees are actually able to organize on company blogs, wikis, online forums and even social networking sites, to give their messages urgency and heft. http://www.businessmirror.com.ph/0613&142008/perspective03.html _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the old days, layers of management filtered out too many good ideas from below, but they also filtered out nattering. In the era of Internet communities, leaders will have to find, largely on their own, ways to process the good and the bad alike. A second important change wrought by the Internet concerns the leader’s critical responsibility to see around corners—to anticipate coming economic events and market trends and adjust for them. In the past, such foresight came from a mixture of intelligence, experience, good advice and as much data as you could reasonably get your hands on. Obviously, the change rests with the last of these: The Internet, with its bloggers, user communities, newsletters and the like, can drown you in data about customers and competitors, not to mention everything else under the sun. Some data is totally useful, some total nonsense. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mojica also believes that Internet-related services will enrich the customer’s overall experience. He said the market at the top tier is basically saturated with over 95-percent market penetration. So the only way for telecommunications companies to compete is to increase the value of the customers’ experience because â€Å"they want something more stimulating.† â€Å"Customers want to express themselves, their individuality,† he said, adding that Smart is merely providing choices for the customers. He added that by making these Internet services available, Smart is allowing customers access to means of enriching their cell-phone experience and at the same time make the Smart Buddy brand name more relevant to Internet users. Danilo Mojica, Smart’s director of wireless consumer division JUNE 6 & 7, 2008 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One of the chief concerns we are hearing lately, from most entrepreneurs and businesses is their frustration with the slow progress of e-commerce in the Philippines. One reason for this drawback is the lack of a useful and economical payment gateway that can enable business owners to accept credit card payments directly from their website. We would like to let you know that we were able to address this issue. Whether you are starting or expanding your business, we are here to guide you through the process. How can e-leaguers help improve my business? e-leaguers offers its clients the following main services Website Design and development- e-leaguers provides our clients with a kind of website that suits their business’ needs and requirements. We will create website designs based on how the client envisions his/her company to be viewed by visitors. In other words, we will deliver what a client needs while offering technical and aesthetic expertise. Website Maintenance and Hosting – e-leaguers will make sure that their website will be visible online 24/7 with none of the usual complaints such as redirection of website addresses, erratic and sometimes undetectable website presence, poor search engine optimization and high web hosting fees. Online Payment Gateway- Now, entrepreneurs can start accepting credit card or debit card payments online. e-leaguers will be the one in-charge of integrating the payment system to a clients’ website. As soon as the â€Å"add to cart â€Å" buttons and html codes are in place, clients make a test purchase to get a feel of how the process goes. Domain Name Registration – A client’s website will be published under his/her own company name or any website name he/she chooses. Using top level domain names such as .com .net .org, a website can be easily crawled on major search engines on the internet and can be clearly viewed anytime with no hassles entailed. Setting up of personal emails –clients will be guaranteed to have personal emails at their own chose domain name. (ex. you@companyname.com) Free Update Services – update services are defined as editing or deleting text content, photos or products. These specified Update Service are Free and the will be performed by e-leaguers for one whole year from the date a contract is signed. Technical and Customer Support – e-leaguers provides email and phone support to all clients. We address all concerns regarding our clients’ websites with no delay or excuses. How can my online business benefit from the online payment gateway? It is good for almost all types and sizes of business. It is open for business 24/7. It is the store that never closes. Even the sales reports are available online, 24/7. There are no set-up fees and no monthly fees. It has very low transaction and processing rates You’ll have a wide customer base, both locally and worldwide, by offering credit card and debit card payment options. Is has a secured and quick order and payment processing and settlement. http://ph.88db.com/ph/Knowledge/Knowledge_Detail.page?kid=292 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free Essays on Short Essay - Favorite Music

As I sit in my room, I feel as though I could sit and watch the green apple records label spin forever. I’m utterly transfixed by a twelve inch piece of black vinyl spinning at 33 and one third revolutions per minute. The rhythm section hijacks time and space. Duos like McCartney and Starr, Wright and Morello, Jones and Bonham make clocks obsolete. Time is measured by their signature, their every whim. Sitting here, my ears being assaulted, I can’t help but think that whatever I put in this paper is unfair. Unfair not only to me, but to the many artists that I enjoy. Deciding upon only a few favorite artists is a no win situation, it’s tantamount to naming your favorite child. The included artists can’t in good conscience be labeled as my top favorites, they are merely random examples of my eclectic musical tastes. The Beatles. If music were a monetary system, The Beatles would be the gold standard. It’s a distinctive feeling, the weight of gold. Nothing else can compare to it. Everywhere in the world, gold is known and revered. And so it is with the Beatles. The Beatles changed Rock and Roll. They became the gold standard in Rock. Ushering in a whole new era, in which groups wrote and performed their own original music. One of the most amazing things about the Beatles is solidity of their body of work. They’re one of few bands that were simultaneously the most popular, while being the best at what they did. The Beatles are great anytime music, because of the range of emotions in their music. From upbeat straight-up rock, to melancholy ballads, they had it all. The Beatles are one of those select groups that can literally change your life. Their music can shake you to your foundations before building you back up, even stronger than before. The Dave Brubeck Quartet. Jazz has been a recent addition to my musical vocabulary. For years, my buddies and I were content with rock/pop. I was stuck in a mus... Free Essays on Short Essay - Favorite Music Free Essays on Short Essay - Favorite Music As I sit in my room, I feel as though I could sit and watch the green apple records label spin forever. I’m utterly transfixed by a twelve inch piece of black vinyl spinning at 33 and one third revolutions per minute. The rhythm section hijacks time and space. Duos like McCartney and Starr, Wright and Morello, Jones and Bonham make clocks obsolete. Time is measured by their signature, their every whim. Sitting here, my ears being assaulted, I can’t help but think that whatever I put in this paper is unfair. Unfair not only to me, but to the many artists that I enjoy. Deciding upon only a few favorite artists is a no win situation, it’s tantamount to naming your favorite child. The included artists can’t in good conscience be labeled as my top favorites, they are merely random examples of my eclectic musical tastes. The Beatles. If music were a monetary system, The Beatles would be the gold standard. It’s a distinctive feeling, the weight of gold. Nothing else can compare to it. Everywhere in the world, gold is known and revered. And so it is with the Beatles. The Beatles changed Rock and Roll. They became the gold standard in Rock. Ushering in a whole new era, in which groups wrote and performed their own original music. One of the most amazing things about the Beatles is solidity of their body of work. They’re one of few bands that were simultaneously the most popular, while being the best at what they did. The Beatles are great anytime music, because of the range of emotions in their music. From upbeat straight-up rock, to melancholy ballads, they had it all. The Beatles are one of those select groups that can literally change your life. Their music can shake you to your foundations before building you back up, even stronger than before. The Dave Brubeck Quartet. Jazz has been a recent addition to my musical vocabulary. For years, my buddies and I were content with rock/pop. I was stuck in a mus...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

ESL Job Interview Lesson and Worksheet

ESL Job Interview Lesson and Worksheet Students in ESL classes (and some EFL classes) will eventually need to take job interviews as they go about finding new employment. The art of job interviewing can be a touchy subject for many students and the approach can vary widely from country to country. Some countries may expect a more aggressive, self-promoting style, while others may generally prefer a more modest approach. In any case, job interviews can make even the best students nervous. One of the best ways to deal with this is to explain job interviewing as an extremely important game. Make it clear that students should understand the rules of the game. Whether or not they feel any given job interviewing style is fair is an entirely different issue. By making immediately clear that youre not trying to teach the correct way to interview, but only trying to help them understand the rules of the game and what they should expect from it, youll help students focus on the task at hand, rather than getting caught up in cultural comparisons. Aim: Improve job interviewing skills Activity: Simulated job interviews Level:  Intermediate to advanced Teaching Outline Distribute the worksheet (from this lesson) to students in the class. Students should follow each of the instructions carefully.Make groups of three people and choose one person to interview for the positions, one to interview the job applicant, and one to take notes on the job interview.Review notes after each interview and have the interviewers tell the interviewees how they think they could improve their job interviewing skills.Have students switch roles and either interview another person or take notes. Make sure that all students have taken notes AND interviewed so that they can better understand the job interviewing process.While students are in their groups, have them note disagreements on a good job interviewing technique. At the end of the session, have students to ask other students their opinions on these disagreements.As a follow-up activity, have students go online and find a few jobs they would like to do. Have them write down their qualifications as practice in class. Job Interviewing Worksheet Visit a popular employment website to search for positions. Put in a few keywords for jobs that you would like. Alternately, find a newspaper with employment ads. If you dont have access to job listings, think of some jobs that you might find interesting. The positions you choose should be related to employment you have done in the past, or the jobs you would like to do in the future as they relate to your studies.  The positions dont necessarily need to be identical to your past jobs, nor do they need to exactly match the subject you are studying at school. Choose two jobs from the list of positions you have found. Make sure to choose jobs that match your skills in some way. To prepare yourself with appropriate vocabulary, you should explore vocabulary resources that list specific vocabulary for the work sector for which you are applying. Several resources can help with this: Use the Occupational Outlook Handbook, which lists positions by industry. This is a rich resource that provides general descriptions of the type of work and responsibilities you can expect.Search the industry glossary, for example, banking glossary. This will lead you to pages that provide definitions for key language in your chosen industry.Use a collocation dictionary with keywords from your industry. This will help you learn key phrases and words that usually go together. On a separate piece of paper, write down your qualifications for the job. Think about the skills you have and how they relate to the job you would like. These skills and qualifications can later be used on your resume. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself when thinking about your qualifications: What tasks have I done at past jobs that are similar to the tasks required in this job advertisement?What are my strengths and weaknesses and how do they relate to the tasks required in this job advertisement?How do I relate to people? Do I have good people skills?If I dont have any related work experience, how does the experience I have and/or studies Ive done relate?Why do I want this job? With classmates, take turns interviewing each other. You can help fellow students by writing down a few questions that you feel will be asked. However, make sure that your partners also include general questions such as Whats your greatest strength?

Monday, November 4, 2019

Leaders and subordinates Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Leaders and subordinates - Assignment Example The exchange relationship between leaders and subordinates may be principally out-group or in-group in nature. Subordinated within the in-group are called upon to take part in decision making and are charged with more responsibilities. Conversely, subordinates that belong to out-groups are judged on the stipulations of their employment contracts. These are the major dynamics of this relationship. There is an important question on the relationship between subordinates and leaders that seeks to investigate the more significant party. Most of the arguments on this relationship conclude that followers are more important (Kellerman, 2007). This is based on the argument that leaders emerge out of the subordinates. These are individuals that show outstanding commitment and charisma and are changed to become leaders (Kellerman, 2007). Secondly, the best leaders are not afraid to teach subordinates on how to follow the established regulates. Finally, it is impossible to emulate a leader that does not have any

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Elementary education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Elementary education - Essay Example The two journals I analyze in this Paper are the American Education History Journal, Volume 31, and the Journal of Research in Character Education, Volume 6. The American Education History Journal, volume 31, was first published in 2004. One of its outspoken positive qualities is that it has several topics which can be viewed in its preview at no cost through the internet. Another positive quality is that it covers a wide range of topic related to elementary education most of which contain comprehensive information about research undertaken in this field (Watras 1). Moreover, its research surveys are not biased to any country thus making it a worldwide journal. However, the journal also has some negative qualities. One of its negative qualities is the inaccessibility of the full view of the journal only that makes the information available from this journal to be limited. Our other journal, the Journal of Research in Character Education, Volume 6, was published in 2008. It has severa l positive qualities, one of them being having the most recent information on current research on elementary education. Moreover, it has very few pages and short topics that are easy to read and comprehend. In addition, its content is not biased to any country and thus scholars regardless of their countries can use it. Furthermore, I can use its information, it contains most current information which is easy to relate with current situations of elementary education profession. However, this journal has very few pages in its preview.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

H&M Communication Campaign Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

H&M Communication Campaign - Case Study Example The realisation of that potential, however, is contingent upon the formulation and implementation of a market plan as which would create consumer awareness of the brand, on the one hand, and incite the purchasing decision on the other. This necessitates the capitalisation upon both Madonna and H&M's already existent market appeal and pre-existing consumer loyalty and trust. To ensure the popularisation of the brand, it is imperative that M by Madonna engage in a marketing communication campaign designed to disseminate information about the line and to familiarise the consumer fashion market with it. The primary goal of the campaign is to increase market awareness of the line, with campaign success measured in terms of message penetration as evidenced through sales figures. The campaign will be comprised of a mix of advertising and public relations, supported with direct mail. Paid advertisements will target the defined global consumer segment and public relations, the launching of the lines in various markets. Advertising will consist of magazine, billboards (outdoor advertising) and TV. Public relations will consist of the distribution of promotion packages at the launch events, with the former being highly publicised events featuring celebrity guests. M By Madonna offers the trendy young consumer an entire fashion range at an affordable price. Realising the importance of dress as a statement about who one is and where one is heading, the line extends consumers the opportunity to look fashionable and expensive' without having to pay dearly for it. 3 Background Founded in 1947, H&M has grown from a small Swedish fashion outlet to one of the world's largest fashion retailers, with over 1,300 stores and operations in 24 countries. Always associated with the youth market, H&M provides both male and female fashion consumers with trendy, often jet-setting, fashions and high quality products at affordable prices (Nolan, 2006). As such, it provides the youth market with the haut couture look at retail prices. The Madonna-H&M venture is a potentially promising addition to the youth fashion market. The resultant line, M By Madonna, provides the youth consumer with an entire range of youth clothing and accessories, suitable for wear at the office, at university/school, for leisure, formal and casual occasions. It is, in other words, a highly varied, multi-purpose line. M By Madonna combines between youthfulness and elegance and, as such, provides the fashion consumer with timeless, multi-purpose and multi-occasion designs. Distributed to fashion stores across the world, not to mention H&M outlets in March 2007, the line has tremendous market potential should the campaign succeed in capitalising upon both H&M and Madonna's market reputations and consumer appeals. 4 Situation Analysis 4.1 Goals The primary goal of this communication campaign is to create consumer awareness of them by Madonna line and disseminate relevant information regarding points of purchase, whether physical (stores) or virtual (web) locations. The secondary goal is to raise the visibility level of M By Madonna, in what has often been referred to as an increasingly retail-crowded consumer market environment and to establish awareness of the line as the optimal youth fashion choice. Other goals can be expressed as follows: Positioning of the line Branding Influencing positive consumer perceptions of he fashion line, thereby inciting the purchase

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Fossil Evidence Essay Example for Free

Fossil Evidence Essay 1. A. Fossil evidence has been used to support evolution. Paleontologists have dug up old bones and other things that were preserved in sedimentary rock. All of these things that were found show evidence that there was life long ago, however that’s not the only thing these fossils show. Fossils also show that there have been changes in the organisms that have inhabited this earth. The reason it supports that is once we compare the fossils to another organism, by using many different techniques, we can then see how the fossil from back then has adapted and evolved into this new organism. However it is still the same organism just modified to the environment it lives in during that time period. Just like everything else that has positives, this also has some negatives. One of the weaknesses of fossil evidence is that many organisms that died never got preserved because of where they were located. Not only were some organisms not fossilized, but some fossils were destroyed by geological processes. That leaves only some to be found. Despite these weaknesses the fossil record is still a great tool to show us the biological change that has occurred over vast amounts of time. B. The relationship between many organisms can be traced back to a common ancestor. As time progresses organisms evolve and change from this common ancestor, making it harder to just see the relationships between organisms. There are three types of evidence that explains how organisms can be related and that it just is the organism evolving; comparative anatomy, comparative biochemistry, and comparative embryology. One of the ones I am discussing is comparative biochemistry which is when you compare organisms by the similarity of their DNA, proteins, genes, gene products and their common genetic code. DNA, RNA, the genetic code and proteins are similar in all organisms. When the genetic and molecular similarity between species is great, that means that those two species are closer to sharing a common ancestor. The second one I will explain is comparative anatomy. This also shows that organisms share a common ancestor, but proves it by the similarities of the organism’s anatomical structure. You look at the organism’s body parts and their anatomy and look to see if there is any connection between the organisms. There are two major concepts to comparative anatomy; homologous structures and analogous structures. Homologous is when the structures are  similar due to common descent. While analogous is when structures are similar because they evolved in similar environments. You do this by taking the bone structures and looking the appendages, because that is where you can see if one or multiple organisms have the same bone structure for that particular area.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Killing and non-killing religions

Killing and non-killing religions Introduction: In the current times, the world is vulnerable to terror attacks. Some of these terrorism activities are always associated with extreme religious organizations. Take for instance, the ISIS, a terror organization operating in Iraq and Syria (Armstrong, 2014). This terror group justifies the killing of non-Muslims on religion. They wrongly believe that the Quran gives them authority to kill and maim anyone who is not practicing Islam. This paper seeks to explain the concept of killing and non-killing religions. It further seeks to identify, which of these is associated with modern day terrorism. This paper takes a stand that killing religions are mostly associated with modern day terrorism. Killing and Non Killing Religions: Non-killing refers to attitudes and actions intended to prevent or stop international acts of killing human life. This is a term that seeks to speak against violence, and it promotes a peaceful co-existence. Non-Killing can be used to refer to a religious belief that does not advocate for violence. Examples of such religions include Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, etc (Docker, 2008). These are regarded as non-killing religions, because their teachings advocate against violence. Take for instance in Christianity, the bible teaches that if a person hits you on one cheek, then give him another cheek to hit. This means that a Christian should not take any retaliatory measures, such as paying violence with violence (Docker, 2008). Killing religions on the other hand advocate for the elimination of anybody who goes against its command. An example includes a religion that supports the murder or killing of people, who do not ascribe to its values (Pallmeyer, 2003). Controversy exists on whether Islam is an example of a killing religion or not. This is because there have been different interpretations of the teachings of Islam. One interpretation is of the need to kill anybody who does not practice Islam. Other hand, other Islamic scholars argue that this is not correct. This is because Islam seeks to embrace other religions (Docker, 2008). However, this is an issue of debate. In a nutshell, while most Muslims view religion and morality as a means of achieving peace, few of them see violence as a means of achieving it. The group view jihadists as an aberration of Islam that offers little more than oppression, religious police, veiled women, and disavowal of modern science. Differences Christians (Nonkilling Religion) believe that God sent Christ to correct the deviations of the Jews. Muslims on another hand trust that God sent Prophet Mohammed, his final prophet, to correct the deviations of the Christians. They believe that Christianity is not a true representation of the teachings of God (Docker, 2008). For example, the two depart on the use of violence to spread their religion. For instance, one of the teachings of Christianity is that he who lives by the sword, will also die by the sword. This is a condemnation of violence, and it is seeking to promote a peaceful co-existence amongst one another. The Quran teaches that anyone who tries to leave the religion should be punished. By looking at these facts, it is possible to denote that Christianity and Islam are two very different religions, and they propagate different values and beliefs. Buddhism and Hinduism are other non-killing religions (Pallmeyer, 2003). These religions believe in a peaceful co-existence amongst one another. Furthermore, Buddhism believes that to achieve ultimate peace, there is a need of an individual to constantly meditate. Hinduism believes in the existence of many gods, and goddesses. On this fact, this religion embraces other religions, and their beliefs. This is unacceptable in Islam. Islam does not tolerate any other religion, and they believe that no God exists, apart from their god, who is called Allah. It is because of this fact that Islamic extremists are willing to kill, for Allah (Pallmeyer, 2003). The violent advocation of Islamic beliefs is referred to as Jihad. Jihad refers to an action aimed at exerting effort for purposes of achieving a desired outcome. Muslims normally fight Jihad on two levels. The first level, is the war against Satanic accusations, poverty, and diseases (Pallmeyer, 2003). The second Jihad is fought against any person who is viewed as going against the principles and doctrines of Islam. Non-killing religions do not support any type of violence, nor do they have any violent ideologies, such as jihad. Islam stresses that anyone who does not convert to Islam, should be killed, or enslaved. The other non-killing religions do not have these provisions (Pallmeyer, 2003). For them, those who do not agree with their dogmas are never slayed or killed. In this view, we can appreciate the fact that these two religions do contrast in huge steps. While the former propagates for killing the rebels or making them slaves, the latter focuses on tolerance and peace. They do these based on Koran's Allah doctrines. In addition, in case a Muslim brother gets into the way of murdering the non-Muslims, Islam permits that such an individual is slain. They can go into the levels of leveling a neighborhood to finish off infidel (Pallmeyer, 2003). In this sense, Islam regards these types of killings as piety, and it sees nothing wrong with it. For example, the word Boko Haram means that Western Education is sinful. This is a religious extremist group that is found in Northern Nigeria and it advocates for the Islamization of Nigeria. In the pursuit of their goal, they burned schools, kidnaped hundreds of children, and left causalities numbering in thousands. Their suspected links with the al-Qaeda in the Maghreb and al-Shabaab in Somalia has made Boko Haram a real menace in the eyes of U.S national security. The other non-killing religions calls for loving your neighbors as you love you. So the notion of killing to gain something is seen as evil in these forms of religions. In comparison to Christianity, Islam does not offer a chapter about love, 1 Corinthians 13.There exist no parable of Good Samaritan (Docker, 2008). The call to personal holiness doesn't exist entirely. There is no hope for personal salvation by way of sinless sacrifice just as Christ did upon Calvary. The hope of eternal bliss in holy heaven is non-existent (Ellens, 2004). The sacrifice of laying down the life of one person is not present in Islam. Instead, it is killing others that will let you gain eternity (Docker, 2008). The love for a neighbor is absent in totality among the killing religions. This is seen amongst the Boko Haram militants. This people kill, with the argument that they are advocating for the adoption of Islamic principles. Prophet Mohammed was a political leader, and the Koran had much to say about how to organize a well-run society in a manner that promotes peace and justice. The two make it true by saying that, modern day Muslims find it very absurd to separate religion from Government. It begs the question, why would human law be above the law of God. It is on this baseline that we find so many extremists rising up to counter government forces in all manner of wicked bloodshed strategies (Docker, 2008). They do not think about who they might be putting in danger, but their main focus is selfishness. In other world religions, the reverse is very evident, Killing is not allowed and is regarded very evil. Such acts attract punishments ranging from eternal condemnation and torture. In these religions, there is the separation of religion and government structures (Docker, 2008). The holy book of Muslims is the Koran. It is a compilation of God's laws which were revealed to Mohammed.. Mohammed is respected by most Muslims as a prophet of God and not as an extension of God. Christ in His works here on earth claimed to be God. Mohammed was a mortal appointed by God to proclaim the message of peace and enlightenment and in this sense; he had no supernatural powers (Ellens, 2004). To Christianity, it is contrary to these. Christ in his ministry among the Jews did many miracles that culminated into very many people following His doctrine. This includes raising the dead, healing the sick, etc. For Him, many people believed in eternal bliss in holy heaven because He was an extension of God Himself. Modern Day Terrorism Modern day terrorism is deeply associated with killing religions. Take for example, Islam. Most terrorism groups that emerge, normally associate themselves with Islam. An example is Al-Qaeda, whose leaders called for Jihad, against the Americans and the Israeli interests (Ellens, 2004). This is because they believed that America and Israel were working against the interests of Islam. The Quran encourages Muslims to take captives during instances of war (Armstrong, 2014). This can only happen when a jihad is declared. This is the reason why most terror groups normally cite a Jihad, when engaged in terrorism activities. It might be true theoretically, but modern day terrorism is evident on the verses from Koran like the one above. A lot of emphases are on the jihad as means of seeing the wonderful life ahead of us. In this regard, extremists like the al-Qaeda, al-Shabab and the Boko Haram of Nigeria take it upon themselves to control governments by either hijacking planes, children or just killing using bombs (Armstrong, 2014). What matters to them is exerting fear and anxiety among innocent citizens at the expense of their selfish endeavors. There is a very strong association between modern day terrorism and faith. These words are well depicted in the brutal killing of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo by a recent Muslim convert called Michael Zeharf-Bibeau. In his submission, he states that it very absurd for a Muslim convert to go on a shooting spree in the Canadian parliament (Docker, 2008). In as much as it is visible that the religion has something to do with behavior, other factors also can contribute. For instance, neglect on upbringing, ideology, mental problems and even criminal past and drug addiction. But of the stated reasons religion has the strongest relation with what Bibeau did in Canada (Docker, 2008). The precipitation of modern day terrorism resurgence of armed and radical jihadi movements are two in nature.First is the revolutionary ideals and ideology of the 1979 Iranian revolution and secondly, the practical application of jihad against the Soviet Union's occupation of Afghanistan. Conclusion Religious terrorism is the political insurgency by members of a certain group of doctrinal faith in trying to avert the effects of the stated political system. In this sense, anything that results from such an arrangement is viewed as a huge blessing to the people fighting for that course. Modern day terrorism is visible by many groups of the Islamic faith who have a baseline of bloodletting. The recent events in the United States on September 11, 2001 showed the lengths at which these extremists can extend to. The modern day government or political units should endeavor to reach out to the grievances aired out by political extremists. On a religious scale, it is imperative for the states to try out to counter the effects of religious extremist. The killing religion propagates for modern day hijacking of planes and children, like the Nigerian Boko Haram and the al-Qaeda not forgetting the al-Shabaab in present-day Somalia. In this submission it is practical knowledge to denote killin g religions with modern terrorism. References: Armstrong, K. (2014). Fields of blood religion and the history of violence. New York, N.Y.: Books on Tape :. Docker, J. (2008). The origins of violence religion, history and genocide. London: Pluto Press. Top of Form Bottom of Form Ellens, J. (2004). The destructive power of religion: Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. Top of Form Bottom of Form Pallmeyer, J. (2003). Is religion killing us?: Violence in the Bible and the Quran. Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity Press International.

Friday, October 25, 2019

PHILADELPHIA, HERE I COME! :: English Literature

PHILADELPHIA, HERE I COME! A young prospective man called Gar O 'Donnell is the centre point of the book 'Philadelphia Here I Come'. The action takes place the night before and the morning of Gar's departure for Philadelphia. Gar lives in a small village in County Donegal called Ballybeg. Gar finds his home life very boring and repetitive. Through out the book Gar shows his feelings about the village by what he says and does. "Aye, and but for Aunt Lezzy and the grace of God, you'd be there tonight, too, watching the lights go out over the village, and hearing the front doors being bolted, and seeing the blinds being raised; and you stamping your feet to keep the numbness from spreading, not wanting to go home, not yet for another while, wanting to hold on to the night although nothing can happen now, nothing at allà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦". This is one example were Gar shows his realistic views. The book was set in the 1960's, and at this time Ireland was a lot different than it is today. There was a lot of Irish emigrating to nearer countries to live a new life. One reason for this was because the Irish economy was in a depressed state. The people of Ballybeg were slaves of routine, and they had very little to do in such a small community. Gar soon realises that he will never be able to live an exciting life in Ballybeg and soon recognizes that he has no future in his home village. This leads to Gar deciding to move to Philadelphia, where he hopes life has a better impact on his future. There are many reasons for Gar wanting to leave Ballybeg. Gars life has been a very emotional time. Gars mother died shortly after his birth, this was a huge upset for him and his father. To make things worst Gar's father, S.B, does not get on with his only son, even know Gar lives and works with him. They see each other every day and still their communication levels are low. ''If he wants to speak to me he knows where to find me! But I'm damned if I'm going to speak to him first''. This is one example of were Gar gets so annoyed he starts to take it out on poor Madge who is trying to help. Gar doesn't mean to but it is he is so annoyed at the sate of his life. They only communicate when essential. Gar is leaving for Philadelphia in the morning, and still his father does not take this in to consideration to offer him a fare well. PHILADELPHIA, HERE I COME! :: English Literature PHILADELPHIA, HERE I COME! A young prospective man called Gar O 'Donnell is the centre point of the book 'Philadelphia Here I Come'. The action takes place the night before and the morning of Gar's departure for Philadelphia. Gar lives in a small village in County Donegal called Ballybeg. Gar finds his home life very boring and repetitive. Through out the book Gar shows his feelings about the village by what he says and does. "Aye, and but for Aunt Lezzy and the grace of God, you'd be there tonight, too, watching the lights go out over the village, and hearing the front doors being bolted, and seeing the blinds being raised; and you stamping your feet to keep the numbness from spreading, not wanting to go home, not yet for another while, wanting to hold on to the night although nothing can happen now, nothing at allà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦". This is one example were Gar shows his realistic views. The book was set in the 1960's, and at this time Ireland was a lot different than it is today. There was a lot of Irish emigrating to nearer countries to live a new life. One reason for this was because the Irish economy was in a depressed state. The people of Ballybeg were slaves of routine, and they had very little to do in such a small community. Gar soon realises that he will never be able to live an exciting life in Ballybeg and soon recognizes that he has no future in his home village. This leads to Gar deciding to move to Philadelphia, where he hopes life has a better impact on his future. There are many reasons for Gar wanting to leave Ballybeg. Gars life has been a very emotional time. Gars mother died shortly after his birth, this was a huge upset for him and his father. To make things worst Gar's father, S.B, does not get on with his only son, even know Gar lives and works with him. They see each other every day and still their communication levels are low. ''If he wants to speak to me he knows where to find me! But I'm damned if I'm going to speak to him first''. This is one example of were Gar gets so annoyed he starts to take it out on poor Madge who is trying to help. Gar doesn't mean to but it is he is so annoyed at the sate of his life. They only communicate when essential. Gar is leaving for Philadelphia in the morning, and still his father does not take this in to consideration to offer him a fare well.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Film Reflection Good Bye, Lenin! Essay

I had mixed feelings about the movie Good Bye, Lenin! While I enjoyed watching Alex run into new challenges and come up with new solutions in scene after scene I felt the movie became too long and repetitive. I do however think the movie succeeded as a comedy, and as a glimpse into the history of Germany. I liked how the Becker used comedy to tell a sad story because it made it easier for the audience to watch. There were also many funny characters that accentuated people’s views of the political turmoil during that time. I noticed that the older generation shared a lingering nostalgia for the East Germany of the past while the younger generation saw a whole new world of opportunities and freedom opening up in front of them. The hurdles that Alex would go over for his mother made me really connect to him as a character. He was willing to do so much for this relationship and he believed so fully that what he was doing was right that you didn’t dare question him. In class we talked about how the director could have done more to give us a feeling of suspense and drama. Instead of leaving us hanging Becker actually sped up the scenes so we would get to the climax of if Alex’s scheme worked faster. I understand why people wanted that feeling of suspense but I believe that this was an artistic choice chosen to give the movie the feeling of things moving too fast. No matter how badly Alex wanted to stay suspended in the past the present and future were rushing towards him. By speeding up the scenes we were given that same feeling, the results were always coming quicker than we expected or often wanted. Something I wish Becker had done different was the end of the movie. When the movie finished I felt conflicted and betrayed. This was because Alex’s mother knew of Alex’s scheme at the end because she was told by his girlfriend. They then all pretended she still didn’t know for Alex’s sake. I don’t know why this bothered me but I felt angry at her for ruining all the work and then lying. It angered me the most because he was so close to succeeding. I believe Becker wanted us to feel this way at the end of the  movie to represent the strengths of relationships and the reality that Alex could only twist reality so far. His mother had become confused and in a way it was better for her to understand. I wish however the end had been different and that his mother could have truly passed on in his made up world.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

At the time of this article, Dr. Brenda B. Benda, author of this article, was a Professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Current bibliography information could not be located. Objective of Article: This article examined gender differences in predictors of readmission to inpatient drug treatment among homeless veterans because Veteran Affairs (V. A. ) medical centers currently do not have services that are designed specifically for women and that there is limited sensitivity about or understanding of women’s needs at the V. A. edical centers (p. 60). At the time of this study, Selgado’s study (as cited in Benda, 2005) shows women only comprised 5 percent of veterans with access to health care services in the V. A. , or approximately 1. 4 million of a total of 25. 5 million veterans. The lack of specialized services seems the primary reason that most women seek medical services outside the V. A. , often at their own expense. Therefore, a study of factors associated with substance abuse relapse among homeless veterans will provide useful information for designing specialized services at the V. A. for women in drug treatment (p. 60). Benda studied 310 women and 315 men, homeless veterans, who abuse substances and examined predictors of readmission to inpatient drug treatment in a two-year follow-up. This study appears to be the first study of gender differences in predictors of readmission among homeless veterans, and it examines the possibilities of various social support systems mediate or moderates the relationships between different traumatic experience over the life span and readmission (p. 59). Purpose of Article: The purpose of this article is to examine and answer the following research questions: (1) what gender differences, if any, exist, in predictors of readmission to inpatient care for drug abuse among homeless veterans, (2) are abuses at different stages of the life span, combat exposure, and recent traumatic events commensurate predictors, and do employment, housing, family or friend relationships, and spirituality (3) mediate or (4) moderate the relationships between traumata and relapse (p. 63). However, Benda limited this study to the analysis of employment, housing, social support, and spirituality. This study also offers preliminary information for designing and prioritizing specialized services at the V. A (p. 63). Methodology and Procedures: The institutional human subjects review board at the V. A. approved the study. A convenience sample of all homeless female veterans that entered an inpatient V. A. domiciliary program for substance abuse was selected over a three-year period. Only 13 women, or 4 percent, that entered this program declined to participate in the study, leaving 310 women who responded to the survey. A systematic random sample of homeless men that entered the same program over the same three-year period was selected to have an equivalent number of men (p. 64). Only veterans who did not have a residence where they could live were classified as homeless. Veterans were considered homeless if they had spent at least a week in the 30 days preceding the admission to the V. A. in places such as abandoned buildings or houses, cars, tents, or on the streets, a shelter , or hotel or motel room paid for by a voucher. A written consent to participate in the study was obtained from all veterans before four staff social workers conducted two intake interviews which were conducted within the first two weeks of admission (p. 66). A third interview was conducted at discharge from the inpatient domiciliary program to aftercare services-this interview provided client evaluations of the inpatient program and an assessment of emotions and thoughts that are often problematic to survival in the community. The final interview (aftercare interview) was conducted two months after release from the inpatient domiciliary program to find out what extend traumatic life events and various social supports predict tenure in the community (p. 66-67). The outcome analyzed was the proportion of time in the community without readmission to an inpatient program for substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders during the two-year follow-up study (p. 67). This outcome was selected because the primary goals of domiciliary programs are to lengthen the period of sobriety and independent living among homeless veterans. Individual follow-ups were used, so everyone was followed for a full two years, or until they were re-hospitalized for substance abuse or psychiatric disorders (p. 68). Findings: The findings show that sexual and physical abuses in childhood, during active duty in the military, and in the past two years are more potent predictors of readmission for women than for men. Women’s readmission to inpatient care for drug abuse also is heightened more by increases in depression, suicidal thoughts, and traumatic events, whereas it is lessened with greater family, friend, church, and other support (p. 75). The findings also showed men’s return to inpatient treatment increases in likelihood with greater substance abuse, aggression, and cognitive impairments, while it decreases with more employment stability and job satisfaction (p. 75). Conclusion:  This study found some statistical interactions that are important for further investigation in research and practice which show that stable housing and employment, spiritual well-being, and family and church support are more positively related to tenure in the community for women who have experienced less childhood abuse and recent traumatic events. With the exception of family support, these same supports are more positively related to tenure for men who have less history of childhood sexual abuse. Numerous questions also arise from the findings such as: (1) why social supports reduce the effects of traumata more for persons who have experienced lower level of trauma, (2) how social support assuages traumatic events, and (3) what combinations of social supports of traumata are optimal (p. 78). Opinion: The writer’s personal experience of working with Homeless veterans who suffers from indicators such as substance abuse, personal traumata, and combat exposure is clearly discussed and evaluated in this article. The writer also applauds this journal article for the in-debt analysis which provided guidance for the V.  A. in implementing the current Homeless Veterans Initiative of 2011 which provides a range of services to homeless veterans, including health care, housing, job training, and education (Department of Veteran Affairs, 2012). In addition, the writer also believes that treatment of substance abuse, mental illness, and personal traumata should be at the forefront of the implementation of these programs for homeless veterans. Without evaluation and treatment of these conditions, recurrence of homelessness will be evident.